
Students win award with Stolperstein app

The six Smart mobile students who developed the innovative Stolpersteine app last year won awards last week. They accepted the Joe Cattini Local Hero Award at the Local Hero Concert in Eindhoven. ‘Nice to see that we're making so much impact,’ he said.

The Joe Cattini Local Hero Award is an award presented to the ‘Local Hero’ of Eindhoven. An individual or group that has shown exceptional drive and determination for a cause, belief or individual. Important in winning the award is that the initiative must meet the framework of peace, freedom and tolerance, something ICT student Kyllian says the Stolperstein app fits well with.

‘This award is purely about making social impact. That we were able to achieve that with our app is only beautiful,’ Kyllian said after receiving the award.
Kylian put together a new app for Foundation 18 September last semester, along with his fellow students. ‘Frank, the man behind this foundation, told us the story behind the Stolpersteine and what he wanted to achieve with the new app. His story and the passion he had touched us so much that we all wanted to help him.’

Read the full article on bron.fontys.nl