Do you know Basic-Fit? And do you know

Basic-Fit is the number one low-cost and high-value fitness brand in Europe. We are determined to make fitness accessible to everyone and a habit people love. is the inhouse development department as part of IT and located at Plan-t in Tilburg. We as help to over-deliver on our members’ expectations, by providing scalable and personalised experiences. This allows us to keep growing and move our members towards a happy and fit life. Are you ready to join our squad and to start your internship with Go for IT!

“, located at Plan-t in Tilburg, is part of Basic-Fit and together we are building Europe's largest tech-driven gym. Are you ready to join our squad? Go for IT!” Corporate website

Career Day

Basic-Fit joins our Fontys ICT Career Day on 17/04/2025 in Eindhoven.
They are looking for students for:
  • Graduation
with a study programme:
  • Software Engineering

Basic-Fit is involved with:


Media Design - Semester 2 - Demand based Media Design - Semester 3 - Demand based

Other Activities

Basic-Fit provides an external expert for graduation sessions ( Mr. Carlo Palinckx ).

Review 2024 by Basic-Fit

Organization of Cooperation 7
Quality of education 8
Adequate knowledge to students 8
Cooperation last year 7
Average 7.5
All Reviews
BAS World Batenburg | IAS