When brand and technology intertwine, magical interactions can happen. Enhancing the life of individuals, communities, countries and continents. Changing our worlds.

We are committed to making brands that contribute to the happiness of people. And that happiness contributes to a positive culture and attractive brands. Such brands are able to help solve the challenges of our world.

As a branding strategy consultancy, we support clients with brand & organisation development such as rebranding, purpose & activism, positioning, brand portfolio & brand architecture, naming & design, employer & internal branding.

Central to our approach is 23plusone, our universal emotive language of human motivation. We share our knowledge and expertise with professionals and young talent worldwide to make more impact together.

“When brand and technology are intertwined, meaningful interaction occurs. Central to our approach is 23plusone, our universal language of human drives. We share our knowledge and expertise worldwide with professionals and young talent to make lasting impact possible and are proud to be a partner of Fontys ICT and Media Design.” Corporate website

BR-ND is involved with:


Media Design - Semester 2

BR-ND provides an annual master class (day program) on branding. BR-ND then visits the semester several times to provide students with feedback on their work during demonstrations and presentations.

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