Partner in Education
The mission, *build things no-one can imagine* is probably not going to happen when we keep things as they were. The most efficient and fun way to get there is through a scalable, decentralized, automated organisation. That should give us an edge over traditionally organised organisations.
We develop cloud internet platforms in a number of different sectors (apps, speech, legal, IoT, geo) with our own team in Eindhoven from front to back.
“We are happy with the talents we meet in internships from Fontys and so we grow further as a company as result.” Corporate websited-centralize is involved with:
Smart Mobile - Semester 4 - Research basedd-centralize fulfills the client role in which they provide a new project context each year.
Other Activities
d-centralize is member of the professional field advice committee for Smart Mobile (Mr. Kees van den Broek).