IT is getting more and more important is our world, and it is getting more important at DAF as well.  You develop and think about innovations in the digital world, because continuous improvement is the driving force for our success.

As an IT professional you play a crucial role in the realization of business objectives, business operations, efficiency improvements or improving the service to our (internal) customers.

Within DAF we have several possibilities to drive your IT career. Depending on your own interests and experiences, we have possibilities within embedded engineering, software engineering, data science and more.

“Partners in Education, Partner on the move” Corporate website

Career Day

DAF Trucks joins our Fontys ICT Career Day on 17/04/2025 in Eindhoven.
They are looking for students for:
  • Internship
  • Graduation
with a study programme:
  • Business
  • Software Engineering
  • Technology

DAF Trucks is involved with:


Business - Semester 2 - Course based

DAF fulfills the role of client in the group project and provide students with feedback during the project.

Business - Semester 3 - Course based & Demand based

DAF provided a field trip at the company.

Technology - Semester 6 - Research based

DAF has given a college about model-based design

Other Activities

DAF Trucks is member of the professional field advice committee for Technology (Mr. Freddy Hurkmans).

d-centralize Dinner in Motion