We are partners in education – Will you come and join us?

As student you are the center of what Fontys stands for: optimizing education and research.

We would love to co-create together with you based on your (theoretical) knowledge. And we will gladly share our knowledge and experience with you. Together we will then reach the best result for you: our student.

We will give you room to discover your talents and to further develop them using several challenging assignments. You will receive personal guidance to help you to realize your learning objectives. Together with you we will discuss what it is you want to learn and translate this to fitting and challenging activities. You will experience Fontys IT service as a fun and inspiring work environment, in which you can learn and achieve a lot.


Fontys IT service

IT service has more than 140 employees, who proudly provide IT services to more than 4.100 employees and more than 42.000 students.

Our service covers everything from networks to servers, to workstations, applications, information management, security and data services. Everything that is needed for organizing IT within an educational organization.

IT service is transforming from an on premise managed environment to a cloud based environment. The main focus is on (educational) innovation and being a hybrid network organization. In this we work together with several disciplines in- and outside the Fontys organization.


Our focus for 2019

In 2019 we will mainly focus on:


- Demand & management : renewing in order to meet the future needs of students and employees

- Short cycle improvement: in small controllable steps, renewing in order to meet the needs of student and employees

- Multidisciplinary teams: Cooperation between teams to enlarge the agility of our organization

- Learning organization: to live up to the high ambitions IT service faces a challenging task. This asks for reinforcement of our capabilities in cooperation, ownership and personal leadership. 

“Working together is Learning together” Corporate website

Fontys Dienst IT is involved with:

Other Activities

Fontys Dienst IT provides an external expert for graduation sessions ( Mr. Charles Rurup en Mr. Leen van Horssen ).

Flowlined Freshheads