Automating a complex process to a working proces is one. But how do you create an IT-solution that provides much more. How do you provide more speed? More convenience? More sustainability? More efficiency? That is a challenge.

ICT Group likes to take that challenge. Because the more complex the project, the more enthousiastic we get. And the more ambitious the goals, the more we push our limits. That's what drives us. And that is why we have been succesful in technological and industrial markets for more than 40 years.

“Challenge us for smarter solutions.” Corporate website

ICT Group is involved with:


Technology - Semester 2 - Demand based

ICT Group fulfills the role of client and provides for feedback to the students in Eindhoven as well as in Tilburg.

Other Activities

Research on Augmented Reality for the research group Interaction Design.

ICT Group has given an interview on Augmented Reality and made some movies with the Hololens.

ICT Group has participated in our Accreditation for Associate Degree.

Happy Horizon Indicia