Picoo (oud)
Picoo creates interactive toys to encourage children, and adults, to play together and to get moving. We do this by giving the "old" games of the past (tag, hide-and-seek) a new look with the help of interactive technology. A Wii for outside, so to speak, but without a screen.
We develop the hardware for Picoo together with a partner; we design and implement the game software ourselves. We also regularly go out to user test new games.
Picoo is a young startup; in 2018 the first version of Picoo will be launched, which is aimed at schools, childcare centers, recreation parks etc. Within a few years we want to make Picoo suitable for the consumer market. Are you ready to work with us to create new game experiences?
“Play together, play Picoo!” Corporate website
Picoo (oud) is involved with:
Other Activities
Picoo (oud) provides an external expert for graduation sessions ( Iris Soute ).
Maatwerk: Picoo is involved in the group projects, they fulfill the role of expert and client.