Partner in Innovation

Sports & Technology

About the Cluster Sports & Technology

Innovation for Performance & Vitality

Sport & Vitality is of huge importance for society and economy. It is indisputable that Sport is a major part of our lives both as entertainment but also because of the health aspect. Physical inactivity imposes both direct (eg medical) and indirect (eg productivity) costs on society. Prevention through stimulating active living will help keep populations healthier, more productive and independent for longer.

The economical importance of sports&vitality is shown best by research conducted by the European Commission. According to the conclusions of the study, the share of sport-related Gross Domestic Product within the EU is 2.12 % and amounts to € 279.7 bn. Furthermore, the share of sport-related employment amounts to 2.72 % of total EU employment, equivalent to 5.666.195 persons.

As in any other sector, innovation and business creation for sports and vitality is a vital asset in the professionalising and development of this growing sector.

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Sogeti Studio Krom