Without connection no attraction 

When you know yourself well and follow your own inner self, you become more attractive to the people who fit well with you. When you connect well with yourself, the bond you have with others also becomes stronger. This applies not only to you as an individual, but also to organizations, brands, colleagues and customers you work with. 

Strengthening this connection between people will benefit everyone. We strongly believe in that.

But what is it?

What connects you to the others? What connects you to the others? What are unique fundamental parallels that ensure an undeniable appeal? And how does this knowledge help to achieve your goals? Are you, your colleagues, your organization and your customers? What does this do with your identity and your brand?


We connect people to brands 

By discovering together what gives us energy and what unites us. By building a new way of being, communicating, thinking and acting. By jointly designing and realising communication strategies and resources that give everyone energy. By using media technology as a tool to connect people with each other. By training, helping and coaching each other. This creates a new identity that is supported by the heart. In this way, a brand is reborn. And this is how we connect people with brands. 

We work without boundaries 

We work nationally and internationally for very large and very small companies, multinationals and the self-employed. We work with people.

“Professionality and drive are the main features Fontys, students and teachers alike.” Corporate website

TweeKracht is involved with:

Other Activities

TweeKracht is member of the professional field advice committee for Open Learning (Mr. Ariën Kingma).

TweeKracht provides an external expert for graduation sessions ( Mr. Ariën Kingma ).

Track3 Vanderlande