SpendLab Recovery is the Dutch market leader in spend justification and currently focuses on expanding internationally. We are a former spin/off of the Dutch government with a 98 year old heritage in procurement.

We are specialized in generating liquidity for clients by analysing -and identifying anomalies in Accounts Payable data. We use leading-edge innovative algorithms fuelled by data science, technology and compliance standards to identify irregularities (‘’findings’’). Moreover, we provide compliance -and risk reports that are supported by expert professionals.

Our recovery solutions can be used to increase the accuracy, the auditability, the level of control and the efficiency of accounting, audit, assurance and compliance processes. By having insights in the raw data of the accounts payable and being able to recover unjustified liquidity, organizations will be able to identify and control (liquidity) risks in their vendor data.

In terms of certification, SpendLab is GDPR compliant and is ISO-certified for Information Security Management (ISO/IEC:27001) and Quality Management (ISO 9001:2015).

“Wanneer onderwijs business ontmoet.” Corporate website

Spendlab is betrokken bij:


Business - Semester 2 - Demand based

Spendlab verzorgt en begeleidt een project waar studenten op zoek gaan naar nieuwe (bedrijfs)inzichten in data en managementinformatie.

Overige activiteiten

Spendlab vervult de rol van extern deskundige bij afstudeerzittingen ( Dhr. Frits van de Water en Dhr. Koert Hordijk ).

Sogeti Sports & Technology