
Visit IIP 2020 as a Partner in Education
24/01/2020 At the ICT In Practice Symposium we offer you interesting talks, (applied) research project presentations and demos. As a Partner of Education you can also meet student talent in their natural study environment. A lot of students are in the final phase of the study so almost available to the labour market. And that is beside the IIP lunch, snacks and drinks…
The Community of ICT In Practice only exist with the presence of the industry as well. Read more

Fontys ready to start Make IT Work
30/10/2019 Fontys School of ICT will retrain in collaboration with Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and business professionals to IT professionals with job guarantees.
Parties will work together to make an important contribution to reducing the shortage on the ICT labor market. Make IT Work is a retraining programme for highly educated people. Read more

Soon a new Career Day in Eindhoven
29/10/2019 Fontys School of ICT organises the next edition of the FSICT Career Day on Thursday 21 November 2019.
We offer the company information market exclusively for our Partners in Education twice a year in Eindhoven (November and May) and once in Tilburg (April). Additionally in Eindhoven there is an smaller company information market with speeddate opportunities with parttime students.
It is a good moment to meet future interns, graduates and potential employees for a job or side job. Read more