This is Capgemini

At Capgemini we’re creating the newest software together, in an agile way. Groundbreaking applications that help our clients to distinguish themselves from their competitors. Complex projects, we work on together. We call that “The Collaborative Business Experience”. Accomplish good results by connecting a team of experts from Capgemini to our client. That way we achieve great solutions with the newest technologies, so our client can realize the best possible results.

Whether it is C#, PHP, Java, .NET, Python or Mendix. At Capgemini we speak every language. And we’re doing so from various divisions: Applications Services, Testing Services, Digital Services, Consulting Services, Mobile Solutions (Internet of Things), User Experience, Cyber Security and many more. Everyone within Capgemini caries serious responsibility for their own projects. That demands determination and commitment. Luckily from time to time we can free ourselves from everything and we just have fun together. A game of table football or drinks at the end of the day to gain new energy for the next challenging job. Capgemini is full of inspiring projects that challenge you. Junior and senior IT professionals that come up with the most creative solutions by working together. A company with an inquiring and curious mind, where development is a central touchstone. 

“Develop yourself, working together” Corporate website

Career Day

Capgemini joins our Fontys ICT Career Day on 17/04/2025 in Eindhoven.
They are looking for students for:
  • Internship
  • Graduation
  • Job
with a study programme:
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Business
  • Creative Technology
  • Cyber Security
  • ICT Education
  • Infrastructure
  • Open Learning/Innovation
  • Smart Industry and IoT
  • Software Engineering
  • Technology

Capgemini is involved with:


Software Engineering - Semester 2

Capgemini provides a case and guidance for the group project

Other Activities

Capgemini is member of the professional field advice committee for Technology (Mr. Pim van den Heuvel).

Capgemini provides an external expert for graduation sessions ( Mr. Pim van den Heuvel ).

Bart Bouwman en Bart Clephas has given a workshop about Agile/scrum.

Review 2024 by Capgemini

Organization of Cooperation 7
Quality of education 8
Adequate knowledge to students 9
Cooperation last year 6
Average 7.5
All Reviews
Cape CGI