
New Partner in Education: GAC 21/06/2017 On Friday 9th of June Peter Bosch (Operational director) of GAC and Ad Vissers of Fontys Hogeschool ICT signed a Partners in Education covenant. GAC wil be participating in a client role by the project of ICT & Software Engineering in semester two. We are proud of this new partner and look forward to a nice cooperation. Read more
New Partner in Education: Everest 21/06/2017 On Monday 19th of June, Jan van Deenen of Everest and Ad Vissers of Fontys Hogeschool ICT signed a Partners in Education covenant. Everest will participate by ICT & Business in semester six with there expertise of Blueriq. We are proud of this new partner and look forward to a nice cooperation. Read more
New Partner in Education - Crossyn 06/06/2017 On Friday, June 2, Erik Kamps of Crossyn and Ad Vissers of Fontys Hogeschool ICT have jointly signed a Partnership in Education agreement. We are proud of this new partner and look forward to a nice cooperation on the full breadth of our education. Read more