
Company Day April 13, 2017
09/03/2017 On Thursday, April 13th, 2017 FHICT will again be hosting the annual Business Day (Bedrijvendag) with an information market for our students, exclusively for our Partners in Education. During the Bedrijvendag our Partner companies can meet with prospective trainees, graduates and potential employees for a job or part-time job. Read more

New Partner in Education - Perplex
10/02/2017 On Friday February 10th the covenant with Perplex was signed. This Arnhem based company full of internet enthousiast has been involved for a while now in ICT & Media Design, where they fulfill the client role in the group project and enter into a valuable feedback route with our students. Read more

NEXT - inspiring final expo
02/02/2017 From Monday 6 till Friday 10 February the first edition of NEXT will take place in the Klokgebouw in Eindhoven (Strijp-S).
This week is being organised by Fontys School for ICT for over a thousand Dutch fulltime students and 200 teachers. This week they get the time to create an innovative product for the spy of the future. Read more